I was tagged by Sarah, so here goes!
1. If you blog anonymously, are you happy doing it that way; if you are not anonymous do you wish you had started out anonymously so you could be anonymous now?No, I don't blog anonymously... My only followers are people I already know, so it doesn't bother me to share my thoughts.
2. Describe one incident that shows your inner stubborn side.I'm pretty convinced 'Stubborn' is my middle name. LOL! I'm very hard headed, and I know it... and I know it runs in my family. ;) I can't think of one incident in particular... but I can honestly count on both hands how many times people have told me that I was stubborn (I might need a few more fingers! LOL).
3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the face in the mirror?35% Jimmy, 35% Susie, 30% Erma (Dad, Mom, Grandma) / I see a strong, brave person / change - physically and emotionally / the beginning signs of aging / a self-conscious being / sometimes a pretty face, sometimes every flaw... with a lot of things in life, I'm hot and cold. lol
4. What is your favorite summer cold drink?I may be a "Yankee" but I'm a southerner at heart-- Sweet Tea. =)
5. When you take time for yourself, what do you do?Relax, sleep, play my X Box, watch movies, shop, sing along to the 30 gigs on my ipod. ;)
6. Is there something you still want to accomplish in your life? What is it?I've already accomplished one thing I've wanted to do-- live on my own, out of state, in the mountains... now I need a new goal! ;) Actually, come the new year, I want to get a nice(r) camera and learn how to take decent pictures.
7. When you attended school, were you the class clown, the class overachiever, the class shy person, or always ditching school? Describe who you were if not one of these.Sarah said it best-- overachiever with a hint of class clown.
8. If you close your eyes and want to visualize a very poignant moment in your life, what do you see?2007 through 2009-- a lot of crap went down in those two years that changed my entire life and the way I see it... as much as it's made me who I am today, it makes me sad to think how things could have been different if I hadn't lost a few important people in my life.
9. Is it easy for you to share your true self in your blog or are you more comfortable writing posts about other people or events?It's semi-easy to be myself. Although I'm a huge garbage mouth, I try to behave and speak like a young lady. But I can't help but drop the occasional cuss-bomb. ;)
10. If you had the choice to sit and read or talk on the phone, which would you do and why?Lately, I have been reading, which is totally off-base for me. I do enjoy the occasional phone call, but I'd rather text.
Now....... I'm going to tag
SUE and